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Where to find list of default dll files available on Windows (XP, Vista, 7, ...)?




Is there some list of .dll files that are available on the various freshly-installed Windows platforms (or at least, the recent ones like Win XP and Win 7)? I am looking for a list similar to this one for Windows 2000.

(I am compiling a python app with py2exe, and the application reports which dlls are required for potential distribution with the compiled application, but unfortunately it doesn't tell me which ones are installed by default)

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Rabarberski Avatar asked Jul 06 '10 09:07


1 Answers

If you are targeting different windows versions with your application, it is a really good idea to set up a virtual test environment for each of the primary target platforms, for example, using VMware, MS Virtual PC or Oracle Virtual Box. If you then still need the list of all available DLLs, just look in the windows folders after a fresh install in the virtual machine by yourself.

By the way, having a look on the py2exe tutorial site, the example shows up ADVAPI32.dll, USER32.dll,SHELL32.dll and KERNEL32.dll as DLLs on which the generated files depend. AFAIK those DLLs are primary windows components, not to be deployed by your program, and available under all Windows versions I had to deal with the last 15 years.

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Doc Brown Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Doc Brown