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Where to find android crash history

After ANR happens, you would find call stack of related process at /data/anr/traces.txt
After application crashes, you might find call stack of crashed application under /data/tombstones directory.

See Android: How to get kernel logs after kernel panic?

It looks like /data/dontpanic/ should contain some "apanic" files, but only if the kernel's apanic support is enabled, and it worked. (I haven't seen anything there in my case, but maybe you'll be luckier than I ...)

Usually the every crash is stored in traces.txt file under /data/anr/ folder of internal storage. Try checking this file.

crash report can be found at default path: /data/anr/

some manufacture place in custom path like: /data/system/ckerror

use cmd: adb pull /data/anr "dest path"

example: in windows cmd prompt: adb pull /data/anr c:\trace