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Where to find a quick review of Java and/or C++?




I have a short preliminary interview with Microsoft in less than 2 hours. I've been told that they might ask questions in Java and/or C++. Where can I find a quick overview of both languages? I don't need to full tutorial, just something that goes over the language-specific features and a refresher of the semantics. I also only have 1.5 hours to study so... Any ideas?


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Nathan H Avatar asked Nov 03 '08 22:11

Nathan H

2 Answers

Teach yourself programming in ... 80 minutes?

I would bet on the quick reference cards:

C ref card, A Java ref card, A C++ ref card, Google for reference cards.

Good luck!

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INS Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


My advice would be to tell them you do not know C++ and Java. Attempting to blag it after just 1 1/2 hours rushed study will likely make a far worse impression as they'll start exploring how much you know.

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David Arno Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

David Arno