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Where to close a JDBC Connection while I want to return the ResultSet


It seems that the ResultSet will be automatically closed when I close the Connection. But I want to return the ResultSet and use it in another method, then I don't know where to close Connection and PreparedStatement.

public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, String[] getValue)
    Connection conn = null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
        conn = getConn();
        pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
        if (getValue != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < getValue.length; i++)
                pstmt.setString(i + 1, getValue[i]);
        rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
    } catch (Exception e)
        closeAll(conn, pstmt, rs);
    return rs;

I've moved closeAll(conn, pstmt, null); into catch block because I found that if I put it in finally block I'll lost my rs immediately just before it returns. Now when I want to close the rs, I can't close the conn and pstmt. Is there any solution?

like image 829
Aloong Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 20:12


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Where does JDBC connection close?

Closing the Connection via Try-With-Resources Inside the try block you can use the database connection as you normally would. Once the execution exits the try block, the JDBC Connection will get closed automatically for you.

Does closing connection close ResultSet?

Yes it does, Connection. close API says "Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released".

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On the very next line of code, start a new, nested try/finally block. All code that uses the object should be within the 'try' block. The code that closes the object should be in the 'finally' block.

Which method will return an ResultSet object in JDBC?

In the Following JDBC example the retrieveData() method establishes a connection with the database and retrieve the contents of the table MyPlayers in to a ResultSet object and returns it. The main method invokes the retrieveData() method and prints the contents of the obtained ResultSet.

2 Answers

Use CachedRowSet for holding info after disconnecting

Connection con = ...
ResultSet rs = ...

CachedRowSet rowset = new CachedRowSetImpl();

like image 61
Mirek Pluta Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Mirek Pluta

One clean way of coding this is to pass in an object that has a callback method that takes a result set.

Your other method creates the object with the callback method with it's resultSet handling code, and passes that to the method that executes the SQL.

That way, your SQL & DB code stays where it belongs, your result set handling logic is closer to where you use the data, and your SQL code cleans up when it should.

  interface ResultSetCallBack{
    void handleResultSet(ResultSet r);

  void executeQuery(..., ResultSetCallBack cb){
    //get resultSet r ...
    //close connection

  void printReport(){
    executeQuery(..., new ResultSetCallBack(){
      public void handleResultSet(ResultSet r) {
        //do stuff with r here
like image 29
Mark Bolusmjak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Mark Bolusmjak