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Where should I place a static library so I can link it with a Rust program?


I do not know how to link a C library to Rust. Here's what I have done:

My lib.rs file contains

#[link(name = "test")] extern { 

The library is built and has the name libtest.a.

I do not know where to put it. I have tried several places, but I still have errors of this type when doing cargo run

error: linking with `cc` failed: exit code: 1 //.. note: /usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -ltest note: /usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -ltest note: /usr/bin/ld:....... //.. 

Translation of the above /usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -ltest -> usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltest

I do not know where to put libtest.a so that /usr/bin/ld can find it. Cargo does not tell me where the library should be in the project.

My Cargo.toml contains

[dependencies.test] path = "./src/test"  [dependencies] bitflags = "0.7" libc = "0.2"  [build-dependencies] make-cmd = "0.1" 

After reading the FFI section of the documentation again, I thought that maybe the error messages from before were because I was looking for a shared library, so I made the following changes:

#[link(name = "test", kind = "static")] 

After these changes, I still do not know how to indicate where the library is, but the message now tells me this:

error: could not find native static library `test`, perhaps an -L flag is missing? 
like image 728
Angel Angel Avatar asked May 07 '17 00:05

Angel Angel

People also ask

Where does rust look for libraries?

rustc invokes the system linker which looks for all libraries specified in #[link(...)] in library directories. There are usually several default library directories (like /lib and /usr/lib on Linux), and more can be specified via linker flags ( rustc accepts -L options which it then passes through to the linker).

Does rust statically link?

Rust has supported producing statically linked binaries since RFC #1721 which proposed the target-feature=+crt-static flag to statically link the platform C library into the final binary.

Is Rust dynamically linked?

To be extra clear about this, Rust does support dynamic linking; it's just limited to interfacing via the stable C ABI. The ABI-resilience conerns described in the article are ultimately punted to the users and/or the dev ecosystem, albeit some facilities (namely, bindgen/cbindgen) are also provided to ease the task.

Is there a way to link libraries in rust?

That's the basic functionality. You could also use the build script to specify which library to link, instead of having it in your code ( rustc-link-lib ). I prefer this because then the two configurations are right next to each other.

Why is rust's default library type static?

That, and the fact that the C ABI can't represent all of Rust's language constructs, is why static is the default. The ABI should only be an issue across different rustc versions. But it should be possible to compile a dynamic library and link it dynamically to another program using the exact same rustc.

Is there any way to optimize rust library crates?

Rust library crates expose generics and those can only be optimized at link time (static linking required) or at run time (JIT compiler required). Rust's LTO is already really good.

Will rust ever support dynamic linking?

If/When Rust supports dynamic linking there will still be a tradeoff between dynamism and link-time optimization. Many (most?) Rust library crates expose generics and those can only be optimized at link time (static linking required) or at run time (JIT compiler required).

1 Answers

Where should I place a static library

Wherever you want. You have to tell the compiler where to find it.

First, let's create a static library

$ cat hello.c int square(int value) {   return value * value; } $ gcc -c -o hello.o hello.c $ ar rcs libhello.a hello.o 

Next, we use a build script to set the value of rustc-link-search to point to the directory where I put the library:

fn main() {     println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=/Projects/stack-overflow/using-c-static/"); } 

We can now use the functions from the library:

#[link(name = "hello")] extern "C" {     fn square(val: i32) -> i32; }  fn main() {     let r = unsafe { square(3) };     println!("3 squared is {}", r); } 

That's the basic functionality. You could also use the build script to specify which library to link, instead of having it in your code (rustc-link-lib). I prefer this because then the two configurations are right next to each other.

You should also probably follow the *-sys naming convention and create a crate dedicated to exposing the underlying API. Importantly, this crate should specify the link manifest key to avoid duplicate symbols at linking time.

If your build script needs more information, cargo passes many parameters via environment variables.

If you are compiling C code as part of your crate, you should look into crates like cc or cmake, which make the act of building a piece of software much easier.

like image 112
Shepmaster Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
