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Where logging should go in onion architecture with DDD

I am developing a console application using onion architecture and domain driven design. I have a two domains, where I need to implement logging, I confused where I can place the logging component. Can I place that in respective infrastructure of two domains? Or In shared kernel which can be referenced in both the domains? If I need to place it in the shared kernel what is the structure I should follow?, I mean like core, infrastructure.

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Mahesh kumar Chiliveri Avatar asked Dec 26 '14 07:12

Mahesh kumar Chiliveri

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2 Answers

Logging is cross-cutting across all of your applications. That should be part of your framework. All of the layers of all of your application projects can have dependency on your framework, the same way they have dependency on .Net Framework, Spring, etc. Your framework must have abstractions for cross-cutting concerns that you can easily rely on, and then the implementation just has to be referenced in the composition root of the application which is in the infrastructure.

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Daniel B Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Daniel B

Logging is a cross-cutting concern. aspect-oriented programming aims to encapsulate cross-cutting concerns into aspects. This allows for the clean isolation and reuse of code addressing the cross-cutting concern.

You need to create a library and implement your logging classes, something like "MyProject.CrossCutting.Logging" And use aspect-oriented approaches to log the events using this library.

Typical Onion Architecture

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Hadi Ahmadi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Hadi Ahmadi