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Where is Web Site Administration Tool in Visual Studio 2012

I can't find this button.

enter image description here

And if I add asp.netwebadminfiles to the host address in the URL, the page is not found.

How can I open this tool?

like image 828
Aleksey Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 06:09


People also ask

How do I access the ASP Net website administration tool?

Interface. ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool can be accessed by clicking ASP.NET Configuration from the Website menu or Project menu in Visual Studio 2010 Professional, or by clicking on the ASP.NET Configuration icon in the Solution Explorer window.

What is Web admin tool?

IBM Security Directory Server Web Administration Tool is installed on a web application server, for example, WebSphere® Application Server, which is administered through a console. Servers that are added to the console can be managed through the Web Administration Tool without having to install the tool on each server.

2 Answers

it is on top menu in PROJECT directory

enter image description here

like image 106
xurca Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


Also, if you 'long-hover' over a 'asp:LoginView': 'Long-hover'

and click on the tiny '>', you will get:

LoginView Tasks

where you can select 'Administer Website'.

This will lead you to the famous Web Site Administration Tool: enter image description here

like image 37
HansLindgren Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
