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Where is the source tree in Sourcetree?

Upon click on "tree", gitk shows the directory tree for a given commit. Is there something similar in sourcetree?

Example (gitk)

  • Directory tree as of first revision (see lower right window frame)

    Directory tree as of first revision

  • Directory tree as of second revision enter image description here

like image 536
wnrph Avatar asked May 11 '12 10:05


People also ask

How do I find the branch tree in SourceTree?

Clicking on any of the branch will cause SourceTree navigate to the branch's latest commit the graph log. Users can choose to display all the branches or just the current checked out branch in the graph log by selecting All Branches or Current Branch in the drop-down list.

Where is SourceTree installed?

By default, SourceTree 2. x installs silently and chooses to sit in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\SourceTree directory.

2 Answers

Browsing the source tree at any given revision is not available right now in SourceTree (v1.5.3).

A feature request has been submitted as bug #1021 in JIRA (the official Atlassian bug tracker).

It hasn't been implemented yet but it's expected to be released in 1.6.

You can register to JIRA and up vote or watch the issue if you want.

like image 158
fotos Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10


Choose File Status tab (at bottom) > All files (at top) > Tree view.

like image 36
John H Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10

John H