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Where is the source code for Android's web browser?

Since Android has such pathetic documentation, I'm looking for the source code for the browser so I can see what objects it provides to JavaScript. Where should I look? Is there an online source code browser?

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joeforker Avatar asked Aug 05 '11 20:08


People also ask

How do I view-source code in Samsung browser?

How do I view source HTML in the Android browser? Viewing HTML source code in any Android Browser such as Chrome is very easy. Just add command “view-source:” without the quotes in front of the URL. For e.g. if you want to view source of http://www.google.co.in, just append view-source: before the actual URL.

How do I copy source code on Android?

If it doesn't pop up on its own, tap and hold the highlighted area so it appears, and then select Copy. Once the source code is copied to the clipboard, you can paste it into any app you want, such as the Notes app or an email message. To paste, tap and hold a typing area and select Paste.

2 Answers

It's in the Git repository:




The applications are now mirrored on github. You can find the browser here: https://github.com/android/platform_packages_apps_browser.git

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Cristian Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09


Or try GrepCode: You can even throw a stack trace at it and it shows all relevant java files in all platform versions.

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Bachi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
