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where is the Oracle Event Log located?

Where is the location of my oracle event log (on a default Linux installation)?

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icepanda Avatar asked Oct 13 '08 08:10


People also ask

Where can I find Oracle logs?

When a database deployment is created on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service, log files from the creation operation are stored in subdirectories of /var/opt/oracle/log . By default, Oracle Database trace files and log files are stored in subdirectories of /u02/app/oracle/diag .

Where is the location of alert log file in Oracle 12c?

According to your screenshot, you could check under C:\oracle\VIS\12.1. 0\admin\VIS_ebs\diag\rdbms\vis\vis\trace\ .

What is the location of alert log in Oracle 11g?

The ADR is set by using the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter. If this parameter is omitted, then, the default location of ADR is, 'u01/oracle/product/ora11g/log' (depends on ORACLE_HOME settings). If environment variable ORACLE_BASE is not set, DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is set to ORACLE_HOME/log.

What is alert log in Oracle?

Alert logs contain important information about error messages and exceptions that occur during database operations. Each Oracle Database for Windows instance has one alert log; information is appended to the file each time you start the instance. All threads can write to the alert log.

2 Answers

select value from v$parameter where name = 'background_dump_dest'
like image 188
cagcowboy Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10


Using @cagcowboy's answer, a default Oracle XE installation on Linux writes out to:

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Andrew Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10
