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Where Is The Cmake Executable on Ubuntu


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Where is my CMake executable?

Run cmake-gui.exe, which should be in your Start menu under Program Files, there may also be a shortcut on your desktop, or if you built from source, it will be in the build directory.

Where is CMake located?

The installation directory is usually left at its default, which is /usr/local . Installing software here ensures that it is automatically available to users. It is possible to specify a different installation directory by adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir to the CMake command line.

How do I know if CMake is installed on Ubuntu?

You can check your CMake version by using the command cmake --version.

Trying to create a plain c++ project in ubuntu using the the qt4 creator IDE. The wizard opens a dialog box and says "Please specify the path to the cmake exe".

Not sure where to look any help is greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance