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Where is the 1024x1024 app icon used?

Apple now require that a 1024x1024 icon is submitted for the App store. Where can I see an example of where this icon is used? The largest icon I can find in the iTunes store is about 180x180 - even on a retina screen, 360x360 would be sufficient.

I am putting some time into designing a large version of my icon, but if it is going to then be shrunk down, I need to design for this, no?

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Ben Packard Avatar asked Oct 16 '12 17:10

Ben Packard

People also ask

What is the use of icon app?

What is an app icon? An app icon is a unique image used to represent an app on a user's device. It also appears in Settings and Search and will first be seen by users on the App Store and Google Play store. Because users will see your app icon in various places, your icon's design must serve multiple purposes.

What icon is the App Store for Android phone?

You'll find it at the bottom of your home screen. It usually looks like several dots or small squares inside of a circle. Scroll down and tap Play Store. Its icon is a multicolored triangle on a white briefcase.

What is the App Store icon supposed to be?

The app store icon is the only creative element that appears throughout the user journey in the app stores. For organic users that find an app or game through top charts, search, or featuring placements, it appears in every listing.

2 Answers

The large version of the icon is used to generate smaller versions for display in the app store and in other places that require icons in sizes other than the ones you submit. That way, if they need a version of your icon that's 162 px square, or 204 px square, or whatever, they have plenty of pixels in the larger version to ensure a reasonable rendition at smaller size.

Apple used to require a 512 x 512 px icon for this purpose -- sounds like they've doubled the resolution to support retina displays.

Remember, we're talking about a megapixel image here, not a 32 x 32 px tiny icon. When you're dealing with teensy icons, you do have to hand tweak each pixel to get the best approximation of the image you're trying to represent. When you're talking about scaling from 1024 px square to 360 px square, there shouldn't be a problem unless you've added some very fine detail at the large size. Don't do that.

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Caleb Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10


You can find all the 1024x1024 png files in the source of the app's preview page.

Here's the trick:

  1. Go to the app's page: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/facebook-messenger/id454638411?mt=8
  2. View Page Source (CTRL + U)
  3. Find the "property="og:image" part. (CTRL + F) <meta content="http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/c0/92/69/c09269c0-85ca-fd85-5f0f-f235dff13ff8/mzl.lyucgsnh.png" property="og:image" /

  4. Copy the png's url, and paste in to the browser: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/c0/92/69/c09269c0-85ca-fd85-5f0f-f235dff13ff8/mzl.lyucgsnh.png

Voila! :)

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Enzor Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10
