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Where is php.ini in php v.5.4.6?



This file seems is missing at all. I see only a two files php.ini-development and php.ini-production, but both of them is not a configuration of current php. What I need to do if I want to add a mysqli extension in php, where I can do it?

OS Windows 7.


Rename php.ini-production to php.ini and uncomment extension_dir by removing ;. That is all.

like image 765
Victor Czechov Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 09:08

Victor Czechov

People also ask

Where is my PHP ini located?

ini file is the default configuration file for running applications that require PHP. It is used to control variables such as upload sizes, file timeouts, and resource limits. This file is located on your server in the /public_html folder.

Where is PHP ini in file manager?

On systems that run EasyApache 3, the /usr/local/lib/ directory contains your server's php. ini file.

1 Answers

It all depends on your Operating System

Create a file check.php, and it will show your where php.ini is.

like image 111
Mihai Iorga Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10

Mihai Iorga