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Where is php.ini? [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
How do i edit php.ini file in xampp server

I ran phpinfo and it said it was in C:\Windows but it's not there. It's not in the php folder. I did a system search and it wasn't found.

Where is it hiding?

like image 814
Ryan Peschel Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 04:12

Ryan Peschel

People also ask

Where is the PHP ini file located?

ini file is the default configuration file for running applications that require PHP. It is used to control variables such as upload sizes, file timeouts, and resource limits. This file is located on your server in the /public_html folder.

How do I know which PHP ini file is being used?

ini in CLI (Command Line Interface): To know about php. ini, simply run on CLI. It look for Loaded Configuration File in output for the location of php. ini used by your CLI.

Where can I find PHP ini file in xampp?

ini file: Whenever we install PHP, we can locate the configuration file inside the PHP folder. If using xampp, we can find the configuration file in one or many versions, inside the path '\xampp\php'. Note: Other versions of this file are php. ini-development and php.

1 Answers

Run this code (and I am assuming your php is running, you are not able to just locate the php.ini file)

<?php  phpinfo();  ?> 

And check the location of the config file:


like image 142
swapnesh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
