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Where is filter in TFS 2012 defined?

I have added a new nuget package to my solution.

In the "Team View -> Pending Changes -> Detected Changes" there are some of the files, but /lib folder is ignored. As a result CI build breaks.

Question: where is it specified in TFS (or Visual Studio?) to exclude /Lib folder (or files inside /Lib folder)?

like image 926
THX-1138 Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 14:08


1 Answers

Given you're using TFS2012 I assume you're using a local workspace. For local workspaces files are ignored using the .tfignore file. Check if you have that file present and if there is an exclusion for the /lib folder in it.

Also note that by default certain files are ignored, such as the .dll files that would be in the /lib folder of the nuget package. If a folder has no files to include it will not be shown in pending changes. You will have to add it manually via source control explorer.

Here's the reference for the .tfignore file if you want to see how it works.

like image 76
Richard Banks Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Richard Banks