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where in the file system is Silverlight Isolated storage kept?



I am testing a Silverlight application which stores user info in isolated storage. I want to "reset" the app and clear out the storage, without doing this in .NET code. Is there a way to locate and remove these files? User- and application-specific deletion would be ideal, but full-out clearing is acceptable too.

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Daniel Williams Avatar asked Feb 27 '12 22:02

Daniel Williams

People also ask

Where is isolated storage located?

Isolated storage generally uses one of three locations to read and write data: %LOCALAPPDATA%\IsolatedStorage\ : For example, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\IsolatedStorage\ , for User scope. %APPDATA%\IsolatedStorage\ : For example, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\IsolatedStorage\ , for User|Roaming scope.

What happened to MS Silverlight?

Microsoft Silverlight will reach the end of support on October 12, 2021. Silverlight development framework is currently only supported on Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, with support for Internet Explorer 10 ending on January 31, 2020.

1 Answers

See this article or MSDN:

Windows 7 and Windows Vista


Windows XP

%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Silverlight\is


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Ryan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
