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Where in Eclipse do I see a project's build progress?





I am using Eclipse for Java EE, Mars 2, and when I build a project, I don't see any output in the Console window.

Where do I see project build progress and errors?

like image 632
Water Cooler v2 Avatar asked Aug 31 '16 06:08

Water Cooler v2

People also ask

How do I view progress in Eclipse?

you can see it in the right lower corner of IDE just above task bar. If you want to see the compiler working, you need open the "Progress" view. The built-in Java compiler is tightly integrated with Eclipse and JDT, and provides the source indexing that enables powerful IDE features such as refactoring and quick fix.

How do I find the build path in Eclipse?

Procedure. In Eclipse select the web project and right-click Build Path > Configure Build Path. This will display the Java Build Path window.

How do I get project details in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if the Project Explorer pane is not already open, click the Show View icon in the lower left corner of Eclipse, then click Project Explorer. In the Project Explorer pane, right-click your project name, then click Properties.

How do I find my build path?

The java build path can be seen and modified by using the Java Build Path page of the Java Project properties dialog. To bring up the Java Project properties dialog box, right click on a Java Project in the Package Explorer view and select the Properties menu item. On the left hand side tree select Java Build Path.

Where is build automatically in Eclipse?

In these situations, autobuild can be turned off through Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Build automatically. Even for smaller workspaces, turning off autobuilding may be a useful feature.

What is the use of build path in Eclipse?

For example, an Eclipse build path for a project includes the other projects that it depends on, and lists any additional library JARs that the project contains / relies on. It also lists the packages in the current project that downstream projects can depend on.

1 Answers

Window -> Show View -> Progress (for progress)

Window -> Show View -> Markers (or) Problems (for errors)

like image 200
Vasan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
