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Where I can use + and > in CSS?

This may be a basic question but to me it is still confusing where I can use + or > in CSS.

I see many selectors like li > a or div + span etc. but I am not sure what the difference is and when to use them?

like image 742
Code Lover Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 17:04

Code Lover

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3 Answers

The > sign means select a direct descendant



div > ul {
   list-style: none;

HTML Here the style would apply to the <ul>


The + sign means select an adjacent sibling



p + p
   font-weight: bold;

HTML Here the style would apply to the latter <p>

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Gabe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


The selectors are extensively explained in the W3 CSS spec, but here is a digest:

Immediate child selector

The > selector is the immediate child selector. In your example li > a, the rule would select any <a> element that is an immediate child of an <li> element.

The rule would select the anchor in this example:

   <li><a href="#">An anchor</a></li>

The adjacent sibling selector

The + selector is the adjacent sibling selector. In your example div + span, the rule would select any <span> elements that is immediately preceded by a <div> element, and where they both share the same parent.

The span element would be selected in this case:

   <div>A preceding div element</div>
   <span>This span would be selected</span>
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Christofer Eliasson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Christofer Eliasson

The > is the direct child selector. In your example of li > a, this will only select <a> tags that are direct descendants of the <li>.

The + means siblings of the selected elements. In your example, div + span would select any <span>s next to a <div> (with the same parent).

like image 40
Bojangles Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09
