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Where exactly do the logs of kubernetes pods come from (at the container level)?

I'm looking to redirect some logs from a command run with kubectl exec to that pod's logs, so that they can be read with kubectl logs <pod-name> (or really, /var/log/containers/<pod-name>.log). I can see the logs I need as output when running the command, and they're stored inside a separate log directory inside the running container.

Redirecting the output (i.e. >> logfile.log) to the file which I thought was mirroring what is in kubectl logs <pod-name> does not update that container's logs, and neither does redirecting to stdout.

When calling kubectl logs <pod-name>, my understanding is that kubelet gets them from it's internal /var/log/containers/ directory. But what determines which logs are stored there? Is it the same process as the way logs get stored inside any other docker container?

Is there a way to examine/trace the logging process, or determine where these logs are coming from?

like image 539
oandersonm Avatar asked Nov 05 '19 17:11


People also ask

How do you get logs of all pods in Kubernetes?

If you want to show logs of all pods, you can use -l and specify a lable, but at the same time -f won't be used. "but this will choose one pod of the deployment, not all pods" -> true and I've spent a lot of time debugging my app before realizing that not all logs were being displayed.

How do you find the log of a pod?

These logs can be accessed by adding the -p ( --previous ) flag. Kubectl will then surface the entirety of the stored log for the Pod, including lines that were emitted by containers that have since been terminated.

Where are Kubernetes container logs stored?

If Kubernetes uses Docker as the container runtime, Docker will also store the containers logs in that location on the Kubernetes node. But since we don't run containers directly in Kubernetes (we run Pods), Kubernetes also creates the /var/log/pods/ and /var/log/containers directories to help us better organize the log files based on Pods.

What is cluster level logging in Kubernetes?

In a cluster, logs should have a separate storage and lifecycle independent of nodes, pods, or containers. This concept is called cluster-level logging. Cluster-level logging architectures require a separate backend to store, analyze, and query logs. Kubernetes does not provide a native storage solution for log data.

How to check logs of running and crashed pods in Kubernetes?

How to check the logs of running and crashed pods in Kubernetes? If you have managed any kind of Linux bases servers, you have probably used commands like cat and tail to check your server logs. Here I will show you how to check the logs of your Kubernetes pods for both running and crashed pods using the kubectl command.

What are the default Kubernetes logging options?

Instead, the default Kubernetes logging framework recommends capturing the standard output ( stdout) and standard error output ( stderr) from each container on the node to a log file. This file is managed by Kubernetes and is usually restricted to the last 10MB of logs.

1 Answers

Logs from the STDOUT and STDERR of containers in the pod are captured and stored inside files in /var/log/containers. This is what is presented when kubectl log is run.

In order to understand why output from commands run by kubectl exec is not shown when running kubectl log, let's have a look how it all works with an example:

First launch a pod running ubuntu that are sleeping forever:

$> kubectl run test --image=ubuntu --restart=Never -- sleep infinity

Exec into it

$> kubectl exec -it test bash

Seen from inside the container it is the STDOUT and STDERR of PID 1 that are being captured. When you do a kubectl exec into the container a new process is created living alongside PID 1:

root@test:/# ps -auxf
root         7  0.0  0.0  18504  3400 pts/0    Ss   20:04   0:00 bash
root        19  0.0  0.0  34396  2908 pts/0    R+   20:07   0:00  \_ ps -auxf
root         1  0.0  0.0   4528   836 ?        Ss   20:03   0:00 sleep infinity

Redirecting to STDOUT is not working because /dev/stdout is a symlink to the process accessing it (/proc/self/fd/1 rather than /proc/1/fd/1).

root@test:/# ls -lrt /dev/stdout
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Nov  5 20:03 /dev/stdout -> /proc/self/fd/1

In order to see the logs from commands run with kubectl exec the logs need to be redirected to the streams that are captured by the kubelet (STDOUT and STDERR of pid 1). This can be done by redirecting output to /proc/1/fd/1.

root@test:/# echo "Hello" > /proc/1/fd/1

Exiting the interactive shell and checking the logs using kubectl logs should now show the output

$> kubectl logs test
like image 103
danielorn Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
