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Where does the convention of using /healthz for application health checks come from?

It historically comes from Google’s internal practices. They're called "z-pages".

The reason it ends with z is to reduce collisions with actual application endpoints with the same name (like /status). See this talk for more: https://vimeo.com/173610242

Similar endpoints (at least inside Google) are /varz, /statusz, /rpcz. Services developed at Google automatically get these endpoints to export their health and metrics and there are tools that collect the exposed metrics/statuses from all the deployed services.

Open source tools like Prometheus implement this pattern (since original authors of Prometheus are also ex-Googlers) by coming to a well-known endpoint to collect metrics from your application. Similarly OpenCensus allows you to expose z-pages from your app (ideally on a different port) to diagnose problems.