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Where does Scala store information that cannot be represented in Java?




There are some constructs that don't have equivalents in java. Examples would be

  • named parameters
  • instance private members

Where/How does Scala store the information necessary for this stuff (some kind of flag in the first case, the parameter names in the second case?

If I get it right this has to get stored in the byte code, since it works even if I just have a compiled library without the source code!?

like image 849
Jens Schauder Avatar asked May 09 '13 07:05

Jens Schauder

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1 Answers

This information is captured in an annotation named ScalaSig in the class file (see this answer for an example).

You can view the (not very human-friendly) annotation with javap -verbose, or parse it using an internal API, but in general neither should be necessary.

like image 155
Travis Brown Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Travis Brown