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Where does Netbeans 7 store FTP passwords




I want to copy all my netbeans ftp details over to my friend's PC. I found th most of what i needed here: C:\Users\Jason Fonseca\.netbeans\7.0\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\php\project\RemoteConnections

But I can't seem to find any passwords associated with that file.

Any ideas?


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Jason Avatar asked Jun 02 '11 03:06


3 Answers



It will most likely be encrypted though.


Looking at http://bits.nbextras.org/netbeans/trunk/javadoc/org-netbeans-modules-keyring/org/netbeans/api/keyring/package-summary.html

It seems that the encryption is tied to your user account, so you wont be able to move that file to another computer.

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Petah Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


You can run wireshark or tcpdump to get the password really easily if it's FTP, this is what I did. This works if you've forgotten the password, just listen for it using tcpdump or wireshark as it connects and it will stream the FTP password in plain text. It saved me a HUGE headache trying to find the password somewhere.

Step by step instruction as per above:

1 Open Wireshark and select the active network interface

2 In the filter type ftp

enter image description here

PASS will display the password, marked red in picture. This does not work for SSH and it is recommended that you use SSH instead in future projects.

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David Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


This topic is quite old.. But, there are still some people (like me) that don't know everything about netbeans passwords, storing etc. After some googling, I've found solution: use included import/export mechanism to export passwords and import them on another machine.

Open Netbeans, go to Tools->Options, there are 2 buttons on the bottom: export and import. Click export, select file for saving, check all or choosen settings. TIP: checking all doesn't check passwords and keyring by default, so you have to check it manually. After that your settings will be saved in zip file. Copy this file to other pc and then click import. That's all.

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Krzysztof Jarosz Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10

Krzysztof Jarosz