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Where does makecert store the private key if -sv is not specified?


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Where is MakeCert certificate made?

Fortunately it will be found sitting in c:\windows\SysWOW64.

Should you export the private key with the certificate?

Actually you SHOULD NOT mark private keys as exportable for computer certificates. Generally this applies to user certificates too. There are some circumstances when private key SHOULD be marked as exportable: 1) you have encrypted several files using EFS.

What is exporting private key?

A private key is exportable only when it is specified in the certificate request or certificate template that was used to create the certificate. Strong protection (also known as iteration count) is enabled by default in the Certificate Export Wizard when you export a certificate with its associated private key.

Let say I run this command:

makecert testcert.cer

Is a private key created? If so, where is it automatically stored in the system even though I did not tell makecert to install this certificate in any certificate store?