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Where does Lynx store its cookies?

I was wondering where does lynx the text based web browser stores its cookies. Having a look at the manual there are options on how to enable cookies, etc. but couldn't find a way to have lynx delete the stored cookies. Therefore I might have to delete them manually but not sure where they are located!

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AmirHd Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 09:01


2 Answers

if you press the ? you can see the help, if you want to see a list of stored cookies press CTRL-K

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kyle k Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 18:01

kyle k

From the man page:


specifies a file to use to read cookies. If none is specified, the default value is ~/.lynx_cookies for most systems, but ~/cookies for MS-DOS.

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Barmar Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 17:01
