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Where does a published RDL file sit?

People also ask

Where do RDL files get stored?

rdl files are stored in the Content column of ReportServer. dbo. Catalog.

Where are SSRS reports stored?

Report server items are always stored in libraries or in a folder within a library.

How do I publish a RDL to a report server?

By Uploading RDL file in Report Server.Open SSRS Server from webportal URL. There, you will see the upload button. Click the upload option and browse the rdl file of the report from the location. It uploads your report to the report server.

It is not a file on the server. It stored as a BLOB in the ReportServer database.

(In the Catalog table to be precise on SSRS 2005)

Extended Answer

This page shows how to retrieve this using T-SQL



Update: here's the relevant query, in case that blog post disappears in the future:

select convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max), content))
from catalog
where content is not null

Following query specifically provide the report's blob

 SELECT Name, convert (varchar(max), convert (varbinary(max),[Content])) AS ReportRDL
 FROM [dbo].[Catalog] where TYPE =2

One way to achieve this is open the report in Report Builder. Then click on file -> save as, then save it in the desired location.

Another way, When you open the report URL in the Internet Explorer,on hovering the report you'll see a drop down and there is an option to download the report.

Hope this helps.