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Where do I start learning about image processing and object recognition? [closed]

I'm interested in writing some basic computerized object recognition application, so I figure I need some theoretical background in image processing algorithms, along with some AI for decision making capabilities.

I'm a computer science graduate, and one day I plan to get my Master's degree, hopefully in one of these fields. In the mean time, I'd like to get a head start and do some self-learning.

So my question is, where do I start? I'd appreciate an arrow in the right direction, a few links if possible.

like image 624
Yuval Avatar asked Jan 11 '09 08:01


People also ask

Should I learn Tensorflow or OpenCV?

To summarize: Tensorflow is better than OpenCV for some use cases and OpenCV is better than Tensorflow in some other use cases. Tensorflow's points of strength are in the training side. OpenCV's points of strength are in the deployment side, if you're deploying your models as part of a C++ application/API/SDK.

2 Answers

You may want to check out the answers to these similar question:

  • Image processing language/environment
like image 131
Ivan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


Maybe take a look at: OpenCV. Really good library for image processing, and when you will know what to use for what purpose, you can take a look 'under the hood' to know how is it working :)

like image 44
rkj Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
