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Where do I set the atlassian-plugin-sdk 'allowGoogleTracking' option to false?

I have installed/setup the atlassian-plugin-sdk so I can look into JIRA plugin development.

However, when I run "atlas-run-standalone --product jira" command and it starts up the JIRA instance, it tries to connect to google analytics and gets a connection refused (its being blocked by our proxy).

It says I can turn this tracking option off:

you may disable tracking by adding <allowGoogleTracking>false</allowGoogleTracking> to the amps plugin configuration in your pom.xml

My question is, where do I find this "allowGoogleTracking" option? In which pom.xml as I cant seem to find one in the "atlassian-plugin-sdk" directory.

I have tried googling and looking around, but I cant seem to find anywhere they tell me exactly which pom.xml file I am supposed to edit.

like image 899
dleerob Avatar asked Aug 18 '14 10:08


1 Answers

From the documentation:

AMPS sends basic usage events to Google analytics by default. To disable tracking, either:

  1. Add <allow.google.tracking>false</allow.google.tracking> to the <properties> section of your .m2/settings.xml file
  2. Include <allowGoogleTracking>false</allowGoogleTracking> in the amps plugin configuration in your pom.xml
  3. or pass -Dallow.google.tracking=false on the command line.

The simplest is to set it in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file, in a default profile. You may also wish to set skipAllPrompts at the same time:

like image 56
Joe Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 18:12
