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Where do I file bugs for JavaFX? [closed]

Now that JavaFX Jira Issue Tracker has been moved to JDK Bug System, I don't find an option to file a new bug to the developers.

Rather, I find an information saying:

Everyone with OpenJDK Author status or above has a JBS account which may be used to create and edit bugs. Those without accounts can view bugs anonymously.

As expected, to get a OpenJDK Author status you have a huge list of formalities that you need to complete.

I have never used JDK Bug System before, but it is rather irritating, compared to the earlier JavaFX Jira Issue Tracker, where one could just sign up and create bug reports.

I have been to the Report a Bug or Request a Feature page and it just adds to my irritation.

Does this mean that I can no longer submit bugs for JavaFX, unless I use the Report a Bug page or am I missing something here?

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ItachiUchiha Avatar asked Jun 14 '15 07:06


1 Answers

From the OpenJFX project readme:

If you think you have found a bug in OpenJFX, first make sure that you are testing against the latest version - your issue may already have been fixed. If not, search our issues list in the Java Bug System (JBS) in case a similar issue has already been opened. More information on where and how to report a bug can be found at bugreport.java.com.

For further reference: https://www.mail-archive.com/openjfx-dev@openjdk.java.net/msg09098.html

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eckig Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11
