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Where cookie is managed in phonegap app with jquery?

My native iphone app, developed with phonegap with jquery (so its browser based), can log in to web server and once logged in users can access their resources. The server sets session id in cookie once user is authenticated.

I do not have any trouble with this scheme but I am wondering where the cookie is stored because when I do alert(document.cookie), it returns empty string.

Is it possible that ajax function in jquery manages the cookie internally and send it along for every request to the same domain?

like image 959
katsuya Avatar asked Feb 26 '11 00:02


1 Answers

If you want your app to automatically manage cookies for you add this to your appDelegate.m file:

NSHTTPCookieStorage *cookieStorage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage 
[cookieStorage setCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways]; 

If you want to manage the session information by yourself, you can do all ajax requests like this:

var request =   {
                url: my_server_url,
                success: function(response, status, request) {
                    var header = request.getAllResponseHeaders();
                    var match = header.match(/(Set-Cookie|set-cookie): (.+?);/);
                        my_saved_cookie = match[2];

    request.headers = { Cookie: my_saved_cookie };


In my app I was managing the session cookies by myself using the second method until I discovered the first method.

like image 52
Felipe Brahm Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 14:11

Felipe Brahm