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Where clause depending of the value of a variable

I have 2 fields I want to send values to within a WHERE statement.

  • If a variable = 0 then set 2 field values to 100.
  • If the variable = 1 then set those same 2 field values to 101.

In my imaginary world, somehow this would work:

Where CASE WHEN @ReportType = 0 THEN 
    od.StatusCd = 100 AND odm.StatusCd = 100
WHEN @ReportType = 1 THEN 
    od.statusCd = 101 AND odm.StatusCd = 101
And od.CompletionDate between ....
And so on....

I know this is wrong. But this is where I am at right now.

like image 729
John Waclawski Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 03:12

John Waclawski

2 Answers

If I have understood what you are trying to do, this should work :

(@ReportType = 0 AND od.StatusCd = 100 AND odm.StatusCd = 100)
(@ReportType = 1 AND od.statusCd = 101 AND odm.StatusCd = 101)
And od.CompletionDate between ....
And so on....
like image 164
Ndech Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 18:12


Alternatively you could rewrite your CASE conditions in the form of a join, like below:

    VALUES (0, 100, 100), (1, 101, 101)
  ) AS v (ReportType, odStatusCd, odmStatusCd)
  @ReportType = v.ReportType
  AND od.statusCd = v.odStatusCd
  AND odm.StatusCd = v.odmStatusCd
  od.CompletionDate between ...
  AND ...

Although somewhat less readable, this would avoid using OR and thus might result in a better (more efficient) execution plan. (You would need to test that.)

like image 36
Andriy M Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 18:12

Andriy M