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Where can I get a touch event with phase UITouchPhaseStationary?



In these methods, I get corresponding phases:
touchesBegan:withEvent: UITouchPhaseBegan,
touchesMoved:withEvent: UITouchPhaseMoved,
touchesEnded:withEvent: UITouchPhaseEnded,
touchesCancelled:withEvent: UITouchPhaseCancelled.

Where can I get a touch event with this phase: UITouchPhaseStationary?

like image 718
yehnan Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 10:10


1 Answers

You can assume a touch in the time between 2 Moved events as stationary.

(UITouchPhaseStationary exists because of multitouch. If one finger moves while the other doesn't, a Moved event is still triggered, but the stationary touch will be in the phase UITouchPhaseStationary.)

like image 81
kennytm Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
