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Where can I find my Firebase apiKey and authDomain

Where can I find my Firebase apiKey and authDomain?

I'm setting up my environment to connect to my database.

export const environment = {   production: false,   firebase: {     apiKey: '...',     authDomain: '...',     databaseURL: 'https://******-project.firebaseio.com',     projectId: '*******-project',   } }; 

But can't find the apiKey and authDomain inside the firebase console.

like image 644
AngularM Avatar asked Sep 25 '18 14:09


1 Answers

The easiest way to find these is to:

  1. go to the Project overview page in the Firebase console
  2. click the + in the top bar
  3. click </> button to add a web app

You'll get a pop up with the values you need.

enter image description here

like image 191
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Frank van Puffelen