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Where can I find documentation for TypeScript's built-in types and standard library?



I love working with TypesScript (as a former C# dev) and I spend hours every month browsing through the online documentation.

However, I can't seem to find documentation about built-in types such as Map<T1,T2>, etc.

The documentation refers to the standard library in a few places, but I also cannot seem to find documentation for that (for example, the Partial<T> awesome class.

Am I just missing it?

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Eric Liprandi Avatar asked Oct 11 '17 19:10

Eric Liprandi

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1 Answers

This is not a TypeScript standard library, it's ECMAScript, so you won't find a TS-specific reference.

Luckily there are lots of references for that around. I normally tend to just do a quick Google search and end up in places like MDN, which IMO the best place for modern JS reference. If you like Microsoft and MSDN stuff, they have their own JS-specific reference, but I don't think it's as good as MDN.

The problem with the above is that it doesn't really refer to how types are treated by TS. You'll find a reference to Map(), not to Map<T1, T2>(). So which type to use where, especially where generics come into play, is a bit implied.

I found that to quickly check how those types are treated, inspecting a type (e.g. hitting F12 when your cursor is over a type in Visual Studio Code) suffices. It'll take you to the specific (internal) definition of the type. For example, for Map, you'll be taken to this piece of code. All the definition libs are also available online if you need to check them beforehand.

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zeh Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11
