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Where Can I find a good tutorial for IJG libjpeg [closed]





I need to do some work with this library and I'm finding the documentation at http://apodeline.free.fr/DOC/libjpeg/libjpeg.html to be deficient (incomplete function signatures, etc). Does anyone know of some other sides or have some example code illustrating common tasks?

[Edit] I also found this question with an example, but any others would be helpful.

like image 226
Dana the Sane Avatar asked Mar 12 '09 16:03

Dana the Sane

People also ask

What is Libjpeg Dev?

August 2022) libjpeg is a free library with functions for handling the JPEG image data format. It implements a JPEG codec (encoding and decoding) alongside various utilities for handling JPEG data.

1 Answers

Try using libjpeg library. Example how to use it is in this blog.

like image 82
Shaun Humphries Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Shaun Humphries