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Where can I find a good mwclient introduction? [closed]

I'm just starting with mwclient. I'm going to create bots to query our MediaWiki database and make small revisions.

But I cannot find anywhere a simple list of python commands like how to get ages of pages, contents of categories, contents of pages, etc.

Does anyone know a good starters resource?

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Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE Avatar asked Sep 23 '10 11:09

Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE

2 Answers

The official docs at https://github.com/mwclient/mwclient/wiki have some introductory tutorials. I'm in charge for documentation for mwclient but haven't had enough time to really expand them - could use help from anyone who is willing.

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Chiara Coetzee Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Chiara Coetzee

One of my colleagues just sent me a link to the MediaWiki API wiki page.

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Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10

Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE