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Where can I download Spring Framework jars without using Maven?

SpringSource.org changed their site to http://spring.io

Does someone know how to get the latest build without Maven/github? from http://spring.io/projects

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java_dude Avatar asked Sep 29 '13 20:09


People also ask

Where can I download Spring jar files?

Download Spring framework JAR from Maven Central Repository. So, in order to download the Spring framework, just go to the maven central website and enter the groupId, artifactId, version, and classifier which you can get from the official Spring website and it will then present the download link.

Can I use Spring without maven?

You really need something like Maven or Gradle to work with Spring Boot. The jar/war it creates has a special packaging and specialized way of starting. Without Maven or Gradle you would need to make sure you also replicate this yourself, else the delivered artifact won't work.

How do I download Spring framework?

Make a choice whether you want to install Spring on Windows or Unix, and then proceed to the next step to download . zip file for Windows and . tz file for Unix. Download the latest version of Spring framework binaries from https://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring.

Where are Spring boot jars stored?

A JAR archive is organized as a standard Java-runnable JAR file. Spring Boot loader classes are located at org/springframework/boot/loader path, while user classes and dependencies are at BOOT-INF/classes and BOOT-INF/lib .

1 Answers

Please edit to keep this list of mirrors current

I found this maven repo where you could download from directly a zip file containing all the jars you need.

  • https://maven.springframework.org/release/org/springframework/spring/
  • https://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/

Alternate solution: Maven

The solution I prefer is using Maven, it is easy and you don't have to download each jar alone. You can do it with the following steps:

  1. Create an empty folder anywhere with any name you prefer, for example spring-source

  2. Create a new file named pom.xml

  3. Copy the xml below into this file

  4. Open the spring-source folder in your console

  5. Run mvn install

  6. After download finished, you'll find spring jars in /spring-source/target/dependencies

    <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>   <groupId>spring-source-download</groupId>   <artifactId>SpringDependencies</artifactId>   <version>1.0</version>   <properties>     <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>   </properties>   <dependencies>     <dependency>       <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>       <artifactId>spring-context</artifactId>       <version>3.2.4.RELEASE</version>     </dependency>   </dependencies>   <build>     <plugins>       <plugin>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>         <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>         <version>2.8</version>         <executions>           <execution>             <id>download-dependencies</id>             <phase>generate-resources</phase>             <goals>               <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>             </goals>             <configuration>               <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/dependencies</outputDirectory>             </configuration>           </execution>         </executions>       </plugin>     </plugins>   </build> </project> 

Also, if you need to download any other spring project, just copy the dependency configuration from its corresponding web page.

For example, if you want to download Spring Web Flow jars, go to its web page, and add its dependency configuration to the pom.xml dependencies, then run mvn install again.

<dependency>   <groupId>org.springframework.webflow</groupId>   <artifactId>spring-webflow</artifactId>   <version>2.3.2.RELEASE</version> </dependency> 
like image 148
9 revs, 4 users 55% Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

9 revs, 4 users 55%