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Where 2x prefix are used in BCrypt?





The question is the same title, Where $2x$ is used in BCrypt?

The following scenario is right?

We have a set of passwords that hashed with $2a$ prefix already, when the Server PHP version was earlier 5.3.7. Now we upgraded the PHP to 5.3.7+, now we must firstly verify previous passwords with $2x$ algorithm then rehash the password with $2y$ prefix. That's right?

like image 725
msoa Avatar asked Mar 31 '13 18:03


People also ask

What is $2 a in bcrypt?

$2a$ : The hash algorithm identifier (bcrypt) 12 : Input cost (212 i.e. 4096 rounds)

What algorithm is used in bcrypt?

The problems present in traditional UNIX password hashes led naturally to a new password scheme which we call bcrypt, referring to the Blowfish encryption algorithm. Bcrypt uses a 128-bit salt and encrypts a 192-bit magic value. It takes advantage of the expensive key setup in eksblowfish.

Why is bcrypt hash different every time?

A BCrypt hash includes salt and as a result this algorithm returns different hashes for the same input.

How many bytes is a bcrypt hash?

Input Limits bcrypt has a maximum length input length of 72 bytes for most implementations. To protect against this issue, a maximum password length of 72 bytes (or less if the implementation in use has smaller limits) should be enforced when using bcrypt.

1 Answers

BCrypt variants


BCrypt was designed by the OpenBSD people. It was designed to hash passwords for storage in the OpenBSD password file. Hashed passwords are stored with a prefix to identify the algorithm used. BCrypt got the prefix $2$.

This is in contrast to the other algorithm prefixes:

  • $1$: MD5
  • $3$: NTHASH
  • $5$: SHA-256
  • $6$: SHA-512
  • $7$: scrypt


The original BCrypt specification did not define how to handle non-ASCII characters, or how to handle a null terminator. The specification was revised to specify that when hashing strings:

  • the string must be UTF-8 encoded
  • the null terminator must be included

$2x$, $2y$ (June 2011)

A bug was discovered in crypt_blowfish🕗, a PHP implementation of BCrypt. It was mis-handling characters with the 8th bit set.

They suggested that system administrators update their existing password database, replacing $2a$ with $2x$, to indicate that those hashes are bad (and need to use the old broken algorithm). They also suggested the idea of having crypt_blowfish emit $2y$ for hashes generated by the fixed algorithm. Nobody else, including canonical OpenBSD, adopted the idea of 2x/2y. This version marker was was limited to crypt_blowfish🕗.

The versions $2x$ and $2y$ are not "better" or "stronger" than $2a$. They are remnants of one particular buggy implementation of BCrypt.

$2b$ (February 2014)

A bug was discovered in the OpenBSD implementation of BCrypt. They were storing the length of their strings in an unsigned char. If a password was longer than 255 characters, it would overflow and wrap at 255.

BCrypt was created for OpenBSD. When they have a bug in their library, they decided its ok to bump the version. This means that everyone else needs to follow suit if you want to remain current to "their" specification.

  • http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140224132743 🕗
  • http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=139320023202696 🕗

The version $2b$ is not "better" or "stronger" than $2a$. It is a remnant of one particular buggy implementation of BCrypt. But since BCrypt canonically belongs to OpenBSD, they get to change the version marker to whatever they want.

There is no difference between 2a, 2x, 2y, and 2b. If you wrote your implementation correctly, they all output the same result.

And if you were doing the right thing from the beginning (storing strings in utf8 and also hashing the null terminator) then: there is no difference between 2, 2a, 2x, 2y, and 2b. If you wrote your implementation correctly, they all output the same result.

The only people who need to care about 2x and 2y are those you may have been using crypt_blowfish. And the only people who need to care about 2b are those who may have been running OpenBSD.

All other correct implementations are identical and correct.

like image 127
Ian Boyd Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Ian Boyd