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when you install a githup repo using jspm how to tell it what zip release to get or instead to clone repo



1) Does it clone the repo or does it pull from releases? From what I can tell it is pulling from releases.

2) Can this be overriden via options in the same way you specify @version for a specific version. ie I want to pull a specific zip from a release branch or just clone the repo

The reason I am asking is that lets take https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/releases look at v 0.96.0, you can see it has 4 different release zip files, how does jspm know which one to get?

I was starting to write an override for materialize and add it to the jspm registry but I ran into a problem, for me I want the whole repo as it also contains the sass files in addition to the css and js, but the way jspm current installs materialize if you use this command jspm install materialize=github:dogfalo/[email protected] it installs materialize-v0.96.0.zip release which does not contain the sass files rather the source code zip is what I would like or a clone of the repo.

like image 686
dan Avatar asked Apr 27 '15 03:04


1 Answers

Just read on gitter that you can specify master when you install JSPM

For example:

jspm install materialize=github:Dogfalo/materialize@master

or for a registry package:

jspm install bootstrap-material@master
like image 163
dan Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 06:12
