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When will one need to create a separate process in a Application?



I was reading a article in Android developer blog Process and Threads which talks about creating new process for specific component of Application. But I failed to understand when will creating a new process in my application becomes a absolute need. Could you please help me understand following doubts I have in this regard.

  1. When as a developer I should feel I need to have a separate process for a Android component/s?
  2. Does introducing a new process has any side effect on application's overall performance?

Any other info is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, SKU

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sku Avatar asked May 13 '12 20:05


People also ask

Can an application have multiple processes?

However, you can arrange for different components in your application to run in separate processes, and you can create additional threads for any process. This document discusses how processes and threads work in an Android application.

Why do programs have multiple processes?

A computer program is a passive collection of instructions, a process is the actual execution of those instructions. Several processes may be associated with the same program; for example, opening up several instances of the same program often means more than one process is being executed.

Can one Android application have multiple processes?

While you might never have to build a multi-process app, it's possible to have an Android app with components running in different processes. You get several benefits like more memory, performance improvement (depends on implementation) and more by going multi-process.

1 Answers

Having a separate process can be useful if there are components of your application that do not necessarily need to both be running to be useful to the user, and the background task is critical to application "correctness" (either now or in the future). The classic example of this is an app that has a service where the service saves or uploads some data that is critical to your application (critical meaning the only way to get the data back is to have the user re-enter it!). The service might be responsible for doing something like uploading or saving data, while the activity is just the interface for the user. So developers should decouple these two components to prevent problems that may arise from my next point..

Android was designed to run in a resource (especially memory) constrained environment, so processes deemed unimportant are killed periodically to open up memory for important ones by the "low memory killer" (LMK) (if you Google this you'll get tons of information on the topic). Things like foreground processes are understandably given a higher priority since they're currently in use, but they're sometimes killed off as well for reasons like consuming too much memory. Now, imagine you need to save off some data to a database after the user does something in the app and you use a service to do so to ensure that it is done even if the user navigates away from the app. Unless you create the service in its own process the process containing both the activity and the service is likely to be killed since the process belongs to a non-foreground activity. However it is not always necessary to place the service in its own process, oftentimes simply giving the service its own thread will suffice; it's very application specific. I would only place a service in its own process if it took longer than maybe a few seconds (long enough for the user to navigate away from my application and for the LMK to step in) to perform some task in the background and that task related to the "correctness" of my application (I.E. saving data for later). For something like caching, stick to threads, since if the process gets prematurely killed you can just recreate that data later.

Another reason to have a separate process is if you're running a global service (a service that can be used by applications other than your own) that maybe you provide an interface with via an Activity for configuration.

As for the performance question, there will definitely be a performance hit for something like this. Interprocess communication is not cheap, so you should really only use a separate process if you fit into a specific use case, like the ones mentioned above. Also, there's a certain amount of memory overhead for maintaining a process, so that's another performance hit.

like image 195
Ethan Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 14:01
