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When will ECMAScript v 6 become standard [closed]

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm wondering when ECMAScript v 6 will become more than a draft, and become the new standard. Going to the ECMA website (section 262) still shows edition 5.1 as being the latest, which was released in June 2011.

Note: (I plan on doing a talk on ECMA 262 edition 5.1 in the next couple of months and I'm hoping I'm not talking about out-dated material :)

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contactmatt Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 14:03


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1 Answers

As of June 2015: here it is!


As of June 2014:

The GA will vote on approving it as a Ecma standard at their June 2015 meeting.

At the time of writing (March 2013):

A sixth edition of the standard is currently under development with a target date of December 2013 for completion.


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Matt Ball Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Matt Ball