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When viewing youtube.com, can I control the videos from Chrome Dev Console?

I want to be able to pause and play the videos from inside the JavaScript console in Chrome DevTools. Is that possible?

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Joshua Soileau Avatar asked Feb 05 '14 19:02

Joshua Soileau

3 Answers

If you are using HTML5-based player, you can interact with the <video> element directly using its DOM API, as you've been told in Toni's answer.

If you are using Flash-based player, you can interact with it using YouTube JavaScript Player API. The player element seems to have id movie_player, and I don't have any problems using API methods right on YouTube.com:


Also, don't get confused by $, there's no jQuery.

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izstas Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09


If viewing using the HTML5-based player, then




Refer here.

If viewing using the Flash-based player, then


Refer here.

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JRodDynamite Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09


That would depend on if you are using html5 or the flash player.

I don't think you can talk with the flash player, but html5 is possible.

You can either send a click-event to the html5-client's buttons or use the video-element's play() and pause() methods directly.



//seems like jquery has some support of its own for these basic functions too
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Toni Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
