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when unloading a table from amazon redshift to s3, how do I make it generate only one file

When I unload a table from amazon redshift to S3, it always splits the table into two parts no matter how small the table. I have read the redshift documentation regarding unloading, but no answers other than it says sometimes it splits the table (I've never seen it not do that). I have two questions:

  • Has anybody every seen a case where only one file is created?

  • Is there a way to force redshift to unload into a single file?

like image 779
Elm Avatar asked Aug 14 '13 05:08


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2 Answers

Amazon recently added support for unloading to a single file by using PARALLEL OFF in the UNLOAD statement. Note that you still can end up with more than one file if it is bigger than 6.2GB.

like image 93
Mauricio De Diana Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Mauricio De Diana

As of May 6, 2014 UNLOAD queries support a new PARALLEL options. Passing PARALLEL OFF will output a single file if your data is less than 6.2 gigs (data is split into 6.2 GB chunks).

like image 25
Evan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
