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When to use Windows Workflow Foundation? [closed]

Some things are easier to implement just by hand (code), but some are easier through WF. It looks like WF can be used to create (almost) any kind of algorithm. So (theoretically) I can do all my logic in WF, but it's probably a bad idea to do it for all projects.

In what situations is it a good idea to use WF and when will it make things harder then they have to be? What are pros and cons/cost of WF vs. coding by hand?

like image 705
Sumrak Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 04:10


People also ask

Why we use windows workflow foundation?

Windows Workflow Foundation provides the Tracking services to track the status of workflow instances. Specify Code Conditions: programmatically define whether certain paths of the workflow are run. This is similar to specifying a condition in an If Statement, in traditional programming.

What is WF4?

WF4 provides a clean and simple declarative programming framework to model business processes and services.

How do I create a Windows Workflow Foundation project?

After you've installed the Windows Workflow Foundation component, select File > New > Project. Search for and select a workflow project template, for example, the Workflow Console Application template. Continue through to create the project.

1 Answers

You may need WF only if any of the following are true:

  1. You have a long-running process.
  2. You have a process that changes frequently.
  3. You want a visual model of the process.

For more details, see Paul Andrew's post: What to use Windows Workflow Foundation for?

Please do not confuse or relate WF with visual programming of any kind. It is wrong and can lead to very bad architecture/design decisions.

like image 126
Panos Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
