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When to use F#'s typedefof<'T> vs. typeof<'T>?


Can someone clarify when to use typedefof<'T> vs. typeof<'T>?

Both typedefof<System.String> and typeof<System.String> return the same Type instance.

However, they return different instances and different information for System.Collections.Generic.List<_>.

Can I think of typedefof as a new and improved typeof? Should I just switch to always using typedefof? Or is it more subtle than that?

like image 792
Wallace Kelly Avatar asked Jun 13 '18 13:06

Wallace Kelly

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Using The F Statistic. In your F test results, you'll have both an F value and an F critical value. The value you calculate from your data is called the F Statistic or F value (without the “critical” part). The F critical value is a specific value you compare your f-value to.

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1 Answers

This ought to illustrate the difference. When you use typeof, the compiler infers type arguments and constructs a concrete type. In this case, the inferred type argument is System.Object:

let t1 = typeof<System.Collections.Generic.List<_>>
let t2 = typedefof<System.Collections.Generic.List<_>>

printfn "t1 is %s" t1.FullName
printfn "t2 is %s" t2.FullName


t1 is System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
t2 is System.Collections.Generic.List`1

Because typeof can only return a constructed type, typedefof is necessary if you need a type object representing a generic type definition.

like image 90
phoog Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 04:10
