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When to use desktop apps vs web apps? [closed]

What is the main difference between desktop applications and web applications? How to choose them?

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JMay Avatar asked Jan 29 '18 23:01


People also ask

When should I use web app vs desktop app?

During the development of web and desktop apps, the design pattern reveal that web apps are applicable in situations where we need to perform tasks quickly over the internet. Desktop Apps are more suitable for time-consuming tasks, and can support full features even when they're offline.

When should you use desktop apps?

If you have multiple types of users, you may want to offer different solutions. Someone who uses all the functionalities – and uses the same PC every day – benefits from a desktop app so that she can use the app optimally.

Which one do you prefer desktop application or web application?

Better performance. In general, desktop applications are faster than web-based ones, run independently on your computer, and do not require proper connection to the Internet. In this case, independency from web brings a positive result.

1 Answers

Generally speaking I find the biggest advantage for a native app is that it can be much faster and is good at interfacing with hardware. The biggest drawback is that they usually need to be custom built for specific operating systems. For example a native app may need both a windows and mac version built which drastically increases development time.

This is where the advantages of the web app come into play. Because the app is on the web it is usually is compatible across many platforms making it the cheapest and fastest development option. You will however sacrifice speed and may have difficulty with hardware compatibility.

In addition, it depends on who you are developing software for. For example, if you are deploying a service or some sort of distributed system, web apps are typically the way to go. But, if you are creating a very niche tool for individuals to use, such as Photoshop, or Microsoft Word, it may be better to develop platform specific versions and squeeze the most out of a system and its resources.

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Tony Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10
