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When to use call_user_func_array

I've read other answers on stack pertaining to using call_user_func_array vs just calling the function but I still can't glean when the former should be used. I get that you might want to use call_user_func_array when you don't know how many args are passed thus you can do: $args = func_get_args(); ... but don't you always need to know the arguments if they are to be used in a function?

Both of the following work, I assume the first has less overhead.

$format = new Foo;
$method = 'somemethod';
$arg = 'somevalue';
if (method_exists($format, $method)) {
    return $format->$method($arg);


return call_user_func_array(array($format, $method), array($arg));

When will one really benefit from using call_user_func_array?

like image 603
Alex Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 06:03


2 Answers

An example of where call_user_func_array is very useful

Lets say you have a desire to access an object, but through static methods, like this:


Well, that won't work by itself, because if you look at the concrete class it doesn't have the static method:

class Helper {

  public function load()
      // Do some loading ...

  public function aFunctionThatNeedsParameters( $param1, $param2 )
      // Do something, and $param1 and $param2 are required ...

So in a second class, we could do something like this, because the Helper class above is loaded into a dependency injection container (note that these two Helper classes are named the same, but would be in different namespaces):

class Helper extends DIContainer {

  public static $helper_instance = NULL;

  public static function get_instance()
    if( is_null( self::$helper_instance ) )
      self::$helper_instance = parent::$container['helper'];

    return self::$helper_instance;

  public static function __callStatic( $method, $params )
    $obj = self::get_instance();

    return call_user_func_array( [ $obj, $method ], $params );

The thing is, there may be another method that needs parameters, even though our load method doesn't have any.

So in this case we can use Helper::load(), but also Helper::aFunctionThatNeedsParameters( $param1, $param2 )

I think this is used a lot in PHP frameworks that know that static classes are not usually appropriate, but they want the ability to call methods as if they were static. I hope this makes sense.

like image 56
Brian Gottier Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03

Brian Gottier

David Sklar addressed the question of when to use call_user_func_array in his PHP Cookbook. So, to focus on one comment of the OP:

"...don't you always need to know the arguments if they are to be used in a function?"

Here's an instance where call_user_func() can come in handy:


function Test(){
  $args = func_get_args();

Test("Candidates 2014: %s %s %s %s\n","Tom","Debbie","Harry", "Sally");
Test("Candidates 2015: %s %s\n","Bob","Sam","Sarah");

See live code

With the pair of call_user_func_array() and func_get_args(), the user-defined function Test() can take a variable number of arguments.

Also, useful for aggregating methods (see PHP Cookbook p208-210) as the following simplified example demonstrates:

class Address {
   protected $city;

   public function getCity() {
      return $this->city;
   public function setCity($city) {

class Person {
     protected $name="Tester";
     protected $address;

     public function __construct() {
            $this->address = new Address;
     public function getName(){
            return $this->name;
    public function __call($method, $args){
           if (method_exists($this->address,$method)) {
                return call_user_func_array( array($this->address,$method),$args);

  $sharbear = new Person;
  echo $sharbear->setCity("Baltimore");
  echo "Name: ",$sharbear->getName(),"\n";
  echo "City: ",$sharbear->getCity();

See live code


Since PHP 5.6, PHP supports variadic functions and argument unpacking, so call_user_func() and func_get_args() may be replaced with respect to variable arguments as follows:


function Test(...$args){

$namesT = ["Timmy","Teddy","Theo","Tad"];
$namesB = ["Bobby","Bill","Brad"];

Test("T Names: %s %s %s %s\n",...$namesT);
Test("B Names: %s %s %s\n",...$namesB);

See live code

like image 28
slevy1 Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03
