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When to use boost::optional and when to use std::unique_ptr in cases when you want to implement a function that can return "nothing"?


From what I understand there are 2* ways you can implement a function that sometimes doesnt return a result(for example is person found in a list of ppl).

*- we ignore raw ptr version, pair with a bool flag, and exception when none found version.

boost::optional<Person> findPersonInList(); 


std::unique_ptr<Person> findPersonInList(); 

So are there any reasons to prefere one over the other?

like image 304
NoSenseEtAl Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 14:01


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1 Answers

It depends: do you wish to return a handle or a copy.

If you wish to return a handle:

  • Person*
  • boost::optional<Person&>

are both acceptable choices. I tend to use a Ptr<Person> class which throws in case of null access, but that's my paranoia.

If you wish to return a copy:

  • boost::optional<Person> for non polymorphic classes
  • std::unique_ptr<Person> for polymorphic classes

because dynamic allocation incurs an overhead, so you only use it when necessary.

like image 169
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Matthieu M.