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When to use AWS CloudfrontWebDistribution and when to use AWS Cloudfront Distribution

I see in aws-cdk there are two constructs:

  • CloudFrontWebDistribution
  • Distribution

Each have different props that do not look compatible with each other.

I'm wondering which one to use?

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Stoyan Georgiev Avatar asked Jan 28 '21 08:01

Stoyan Georgiev

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1 Answers

The AWS CloudFrontWebDistribution is the original method for working with CloudFront distributions. But now, they had implemented a new method that is provided by Distribution. You can use both CloudFrontWebDistribution as well as Distribution for working with CloudFront distributions, but Distribution has a simpler interface and they receive new features faster. So, it is recommended to use Distribution instead of CloudFrontWebDistribution.

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Ankush Chavan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Ankush Chavan