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when to resize a hash table?

In various hash table implementations, I have seen "magic numbers" for when a mutable hash table should resize (grow). Usually this number is somewhere between 65% to 80% of the values added per allocated slots. I am assuming the trade off is that a higher number will give the potential for more collisions and a lower number less at the expense of using more memory.

My question is how is this number arrived at?

Is it arbitrary? based on testing? based on some other logic?

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Nick Van Brunt Avatar asked Feb 10 '11 16:02

Nick Van Brunt

People also ask

When should a hash table be resized?

In fact, if the load factor becomes too low, it's a good idea to resize the hash table to make it smaller. Usually this is done when the load factor drops below αmax/4. At this point the hash table is halved in size and all of the elements are rehashed.

Why do we resize hash table?

To restrict the load balance so that it does not get too large (slow search, insert, delete) or too small (waste of memory), we will increase the size of the hash table if it gets too full and decrease the size of the hash table if it gets too empty.

How do I choose a hash table size?

But a good general “rule of thumb” is: The hash table should be an array with length about 1.3 times the maximum number of keys that will actually be in the table, and. Size of hash table array should be a prime number.

Why is it better when a hash table has size that is a prime number?

They famously are only divisible by 1 and themselves. Thus, choosing to set your hash table length to a large prime number will greatly reduce the occurrence of collisions.

2 Answers

At a guess, most people at least start from the numbers in a book (e.g., Knuth, Volume 3), which were produced by testing. Depending on the situation, some may carry out testing afterwards, and make adjustments accordingly -- but from what I've seen, these are probably in the minority.

As I outlined in a previous answer, the "right" number also depends heavily on how you resolve collisions. For better or worse, this fact seems to be widely ignored -- people frequently don't pick numbers that are particularly appropriate for the collision resolution they use.

OTOH, the other point I found in my testing is that it only rarely makes a whole lot of difference. You can pick numbers across a fairly broad range and get pretty similar overall speed. The main thing is to be careful to avoid pushing the number too high, especially if you're using something like linear probing for collision resolution.

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Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Jerry Coffin

That depends on the keys. If you know that your hash function is perfect for all possible keys (for example, using gperf), then you know that you'll have only few collisions, so the number is higher.

But most of the time, you don't know much about the keys except that they are text. In this case, you have to guess since you don't even have test data to figure out in advance how your hash function is behaving.

So you hope for the best. If you hash function is very bad for the keys, then you will have a lot of collisions and the point of growth will never be reached. In this case, the chosen figure is irrelevant.

If your hash function is adequate, then it should create only a few collisions (less than 50%), so a number between 65% and 80% seems reasonable.

That said: Unless your hash table must be perfect (= huge size or lots of accesses), don't bother. If you have, say, ten elements, considering these issues is a waste of time.

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Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10

Aaron Digulla