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When structures are better than classes? [duplicate]

Duplicate of: When to use struct in C#?

Are there practical reasons to use structures instead of some classes in Microsoft .NET 2.0/3.5 ?

"What is the difference between structures and classes?" - this is probably the most popular question on intrviews for ".NET developer" vacancies. The only answer that interviewer considers to be right is "structures are allocated on stack and classes are allocated on heap" and no further questions are asked about that.

Some google search showed that:

a) structures have numerous limitations and no additional abilities in comparison to classes and
b) stack (and as such structures) can be faster on very specialized conditions including:

  • size of data chunk less that 16 bytes
  • no extensive boxing/unboxing
  • structure's members are nearly immutable
  • whole set of data is not big (otherwise we get stack overflow)

(please correct/add to this list if it is wrong or not full)

As far as I know, most typical commercial projects (ERM, accouting, solutions for banks, etc.) do not define even a single structure, all custom data types are defined as classes instead. Is there something wrong or at least imperfect in this approach?

NOTE: question is about run-of-the-mill business apps, please don't list "unusual" cases like game development, real-time animation, backward compatibility (COM/Interop), unmanaged code and so on - these answers are already under this similar question:

When to use struct?

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coder Avatar asked Oct 20 '09 08:10


2 Answers

As far as I know, most typical commercial projects (ERM, accouting, solutions for banks, etc.) do not define even a single structure, all custom data types are defined as classes instead. Is there something wrong or at least imperfect in this approach?

No! Everything is perfectly right with that. Your general rule should be to always use objects by default. After all we are talking about object-oriented programing for a reason and not structure-oriented programing (structs themselves are missing some OO principles like Inheritance and Abstraction).

However structures are sometimes better if:

  • You need precise control over the amount of memory used (structures use (depending on the size) a little bit to FAR less memory than objects.
  • You need precise control of memory layout. This is especially important for interop with Win32 or other native APIs
  • You need the fastest possible speed. (In lots of scenarios with larger sets of data you can get a decent speedup when correctly using structs).
  • You need to waste less memory and have large amounts of structured data in arrays. Especially in conjunction with Arrays you could get huge amount of memory savings with structures.
  • You are working extensively with pointers. Then structures offer lots of interesting characteristics.
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Foxfire Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


IMO the most important use case are large arrays of small composite entities. Imagine an array containing 10^6 complex numbers. Or a 2d array containing 1000x1000 24-bit RGB values. Using struct instead of classes can make a huge difference in cases like these.

EDIT: To clarify: Assume you have a struct

struct RGB 
   public byte R,G,B;

If you declare an array of 1000x1000 RGB values, this array will take exactly 3 MB of memory, because the values types are stored inline.

If you used a class instead of a struct, the array would contain 1000000 references. That alone would take 4 or 8 MB (on a 64 bit machine) of memory. If you initialized all items with separate objects, so you can modify the values separately, you'd habe 1000000 objects swirling around on the managed heap to keep the GC busy. Each object has an overhead (IIRC) of 2 references, i.e. the objects would use 11/19 MB of memory. In total that's 5 times as much memory as the simple struct version.

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Niki Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
